Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chapter Two - f) Monday 6th February (1956) - Logged 73 miles

Came on deck early and thought I saw the hull of the "Caronia" on the port horizon in the first light of dawn. I sprang into the rigging but further observations from the cross-trees indicated that my vision was only a cloud.

Saw a whale fight astern. Medium sized (estimated 1/2/1 ton) "killer whales" were jumping clear out of the water and making a terrific splash. The skipper says they are probably attaching a cachelot.

Late afternoon sighted to windward an object resembling a barrel, floating. On approach we discovered it to be a turtle, presumably asleep. Oliver brought "Penelope" into the wind and Juan and I launched the plastic dinghy, again with the idea of turtle soup, but our friend awoke, took one look at us and submerged rapidly. The skipper then got his camera and I rowed him around the vessel while we took some photos of her from various angles.

Colder at night. Oliver, no change.

Trolling for fish. No catch.

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