Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chapter Two - e) Sunday 5th February, Logged 80 Miles

Launched Bottle No. 2, with yellow stopper in:-

Lat. 29" 58'S
Long. 32" 15'W

Oliver still seedy and eating next to nothing. Approached him with the idea of landing him at Tristan da Cunha (map)but he was not enthusiastic which I quite understand. He said he would see the trip out, come what may.

Expected to see the "Caronia" (Caronias Log)but, in Spite of several mast-head observations during the day, no whiff of smoke was seen on the horizon. She evidently must have passed much to the East of us, on a great circle course from Rio to Tristan.No sights today as we were busy repairing the bilge pump. The skipper is most ingenious and seems to have a remedy for everything. Furthermore "Penelope" is well found, not only as regards to provisions, but sails, gear, tools etc., all of which seem to be duplicated, if not triplicated. Actually there were 1 1/2 tons of foodstuffs on board when "Penelope" sailed from Paris last year.

Saw a few turtles, and our first albatross. Crossed the 30th parallel.
Trolling for fish. No catch.

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